Oct 20, 2009

HTC Dream and Magic: the Google Phone in Test
It took 5 months for the first terminal boarding the first operating system for mobile Google landed on our territory. While the HTC Dream is already available in Orange, SFR will sell the HTC Magic in the month of April. The main feature that differentiates the two terminals on the presence of a physical keyboard (on the HTC Dream). Must choose one or the other devices? We try to respond to people who are seriously considering the alternative Android. In all cases, it is certain that Google's mobile OS is not without assets to attract fans of all stripes mobility. Trimmed to discover the two first "Google Phone"? Enter the heart of the matter without further delay!

In two short years, the market of mobile telephony has witnessed many changes. Major players like Nokia or Sony Ericson had to make room for the invading Apple's iPhone, while others are dying brands like Palm, whose arrival of Pre will be saving. It is in this context that Google attacks the market with a mobile operating system, Android, which has yet to find its audience. Fans of the first hour can be reassured that the newcomer is not without assets to satisfy fans of mobility. In a few months old barely environment Google has proved that he was able to compete with the best mobile systems. On the other hand, compared to OS in the market for several years, Windows Mobile and Symbian, the gain of ergonomics looks very important.

Google Phone nokia


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